Sonoma County

Alexander Valley Union ESD No ratings. Find out why.
Bellevue Union ESD No ratings. Find out why.
Bennett Valley Union ESD No ratings. Find out why.
Cinnabar ESD No ratings. Find out why.
Cloverdale USD No ratings. Find out why.
Dunham ESD No ratings. Find out why.
Forestville Union ESD No ratings. Find out why.
Fort Ross ESD No ratings. Find out why.
Geyserville USD No ratings. Find out why.
Gravenstein Union ESD No ratings. Find out why.
Guerneville ESD No ratings. Find out why.
Harmony Union ESD No ratings. Find out why.
Healdsburg USD No ratings. Find out why.
Horicon ESD No ratings. Find out why.
Kashia ESD No ratings. Find out why.
Kenwood ESD No ratings. Find out why.
Liberty ESD No ratings. Find out why.
Mark West Union ESD No ratings. Find out why.
Monte Rio Union ESD No ratings. Find out why.
Montgomery ESD No ratings. Find out why.
Oak Grove Union ESD No ratings. Find out why.
Old Adobe Union ESD No ratings. Find out why.
Piner-Olivet Union ESD No ratings. Find out why.
Sebastopol Union ESD No ratings. Find out why.
Twin Hills Union ESD No ratings. Find out why.
Two Rock Union ESD No ratings. Find out why.
Waugh ESD No ratings. Find out why.
West Side Union ESD No ratings. Find out why.
West Sonoma County Union HSD No ratings. Find out why.
Wilmar Union ESD No ratings. Find out why.
Wright ESD No ratings. Find out why.
Few Foundations
Partial Foundations
Strong Foundations

For the initial iteration of the DRI, the database only includes LEAs identified as Elementary, Unified, and High
School Districts with 2,500 or more enrolled students. The DRI does not include:

  • Districts with student enrollment under 2,500
  • Charter schools
  • County Offices of Education
  • Private schools
  • Unique Local Educational Agencies (e.g., State Special Schools; Regional Occupation Centers)

What Can You Do With This Information?

California Collaborative for Educational Excellence

The California Collaborative for Educational Excellence (CCEE) was established by the California State Legislature and Governor to advise and assist school districts, county offices of education, and charter schools (local educational agencies [LEAs] achieve the goals and objectives in their Local Control and Accountability Plans (LCAPs). It was created as part of the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) legislation that redesigned California ‘s school funding formulas to ensure that there would be sufficient support for students who required additional resources to ensure their success.

California School Dashboard

The California School Dashboard provides parents and educators with meaningful information on school and district progress so they can participate in decisions to improve student learning.


Ed-Data is a partnership of the California Department of Education, EdSource, and the Fiscal Crisis and Management Assistance Team/California School Information Services (FCMAT/CSIS) designed to offer educators, policy makers, the legislature, parents, and the public quick access to timely and comprehensive data about K-12 education in California.
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